Today we honor the nearly 3,000 people who lost their lives 17 years ago. The series of attacks against Americans on September 11th were recorded in history as the deadliest attacks in U.S. history.
This week you will likely overhear or engage in conversations about where you were when the planes struck targets in New York City and Washington, D.C.. I often hear people talk about the death and destruction that triggered an enormous effort to combat terrorism. I also remember watching Live coverage from California and the brave men and women rushing toward the danger as it unfolded. Some 400 police officers and firefighters were killed and today thousands of first-responders continue to suffer from the affects of the toxic substances created by the collapsed buildings in Ground Zero.
One of my most profound memories of September 11, 2001 was witnessing the countless number of Americans who responded to assist with the recovery efforts. The spirit of compassion and service could be felt in every part of our country and thanks to organizers at the Corporation for National & Community Service, September 11th has been transformed from a day of mourning to a day of giving back, community engagement, and service.
Please join me in honoring the victims and first-responders of September 11th by participating in this year’s National Day of Service and Remembrance. We enjoy the fruits of their ultimate sacrifice and owe their families a heartfelt thanks and our condolences everyday.
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D’Andre Lampkin
Chief Executive Officer
Care Staffing Professionals