You have reached the Case Management / Utilization Review Skills Checklist. Our commitment to excellence extends beyond our healthcare facilities and remains consistent, even in the non-healthcare related corporate environments we serve. Care Staffing Professionals recognizes that our guiding principles cannot address every issue or provide answers to every dilemma, but they can define the spirit in which we intend to do business.
Case management and utilization review are essential skills required in the nursing profession. Case management involves coordinating and managing health care services for patients. It involves assessing patients, developing care plans, and monitoring their progress. Utilization review, on the other hand, involves evaluating the necessity, appropriateness, and quality of health care services provided to patients. The skills required for these two roles include good communication, critical thinking, problem-solving, attention to detail, and knowledge of health care policies and regulations. A checklist to assess these skills can be helpful in ensuring that nurses are competent in their roles. It can also assist in identifying areas where further training and development are required to improve patient care outcomes.
Care Staffing Professionals is proud to present opportunities to advance your career in a wide range of clinical and clerical settings and locations, including temporary, travel, per-diem and permanent positions. In order to provide suitable assignments for you, this checklist is intended as a method of assessing your professional proficiency. Please rate your skills level as accurately as possible by selecting the appropriate boxes.